About Us

Bringing Authentic knowledge & Teachings of Siddhi Abilities –
Supernatural Ability and connection.

What We're All About

Inside every human being, actually has incubated a powerful force called Internal Power. It’s just that the internal power is still sleeping / OFF. For that it is necessary to do certain exercises of visualization so that the Inner Energy can be awakened and used to facilitate our lives. One of them is through the ENERGY, CHI, PRANA Etc.

Energy is natural, Natural, or natural, and it is Universal. It can be trained and used by all human beings, regardless of ethnic background and religion.

Our Mission is to bring the knowledge back that has been a forgotten to evolve and discipline the mind for achievements – “Siddhi, Superhuman connection and Abilities.”

The human mind is very powerful and given to us with unlimited power to harness. We can train, engineer our lives and learn how to visualize our dreams to come true. In the process, we learn more on life, Ego and we develop our bodies to a level where we can influence anything that comes along with the power of mind.

 Siddha can be achieved such as Healing, Levitation, Telekinesis Pyrokinesis, and more.

Learn Something Every Day

We have great practitioners who are experienced in their journey who achieved and unlock great connection and abilities the universe has to offer.

These connection has been studied, organized and develop into a great curriculum system for all to learn.

Now new practitioners can learn through a real mentor who will guide you to develop the body and energetic system.

 We are always updating our studies and with more courses and better ways to develop the mind to unlock more.

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Our Vision

Who We Are

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

We are Experience Siddha master, researchers and parapsychologist practitioners who have over 45 years and more experience in the study of Extrasensory Connection, Psychic development and Siddha Abilities Under the Yogic practice and traditions of our ancestors along with science and backing through quantum mechanics.

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Learn at Your Own Pace

Ability 2 Go courses are design to learn at your own pace and time.

Professional Certification

Ask us how to become a partner educator for Mind Power Development & Kinesis.