DO NOT STUCK IN WHAT IS THE POWER & FORCE (Hawkins Power Vs Force Table)Β 

DO NOT STUCK IN WHAT IS THE POWER & FORCE (Hawkins Power Vs Force Table) 


Do you realize that the Power & Force table from Hawkins will be the great tool to use. But ONLY if you already understand what mode of consciousness is dominant in you ..

Let’s take for example:

ANGER πŸ€¬πŸ’’

Anger has many shades of vibration. It’s not all anger is ugly, bad, and negative.

E.g If your child wants to drink poison or consume drugs for example .. Then you scold and forbid it. Well, it is anger which is an expression of the emotional vibration of Responsibility and love so that the beloved child does not get hurt …

So, even though in the Hawkins table the angry emotion is in the force table (negative emotional vibration) this does not mean all vibrations anger is negative, ugly, detrimental, and not empowering …πŸ€”

The table will only get you stuck in the textual condition and confusion. And it will only be a tool to Judge others, if you do not understand that in fact, all those levels of emotional vibration are just expressions of the Mode of Consciousness that is dominant within you.

If you are in The Wisdom Awareness Mode or even in true Self Awareness Mode. So all the expressions of taste that you express are good, positive, constructive, and also empower yourself.😁πŸ’ͺ.

Ummm.. let’s take Another example of:


These emotions in the Hawkins table are in the Force table. Which if happens when your consciousness is in Reptilians mode (The vibration is negative). Then this emotional vibration will be a mental block that prevents you from moving to achieve success, success, and happiness.

But …πŸ€”
If this shame is an expression of the will of the soul that keeps you from moral decay and bad behavior. For example, feeling ashamed of stealing, feeling ashamed of being naked in public, etc.

So this vibration is at the level of awareness of The wisdom (Enter the Power table).

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« In conclusion, If one’s mode of Consciousness is in the Level of Consciousness of The Wisdom (Wise), then even the type of emotion that is expressed is in the Force Table. However, his vibration level is healthy. Or called HEALTHY FORCEπŸ’“.

Because the most important thing is not the type of emotion or feeling that is seen, but where your level of awareness is when expressing that emotion. That is the most important thing. πŸ˜²πŸ˜ŠπŸ€—

So ..
Don’t get stuck on the Table textually … so that this awareness modeling is useful for you …

Pakman was hereπŸ€—


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