Something to think about…..🤔

🧙‍♂️(Let’s look into this with a prespective of a specific Spiritual sect)👇

🤔Why is the human mind often veiled from the truth and has difficulty understanding true “Reality” …?

Because the human mind is accustomed to seeing (Judge) the world based on the frames in its mind. So that they are unable to see what is FOR there AS IT IS …😧

Just an example ..
• As long as his mind frame holds the belief that the tattooed person must be evil and a criminal. Then the mind will have lopsided thoughts😐 and prejudice every time he meets people who have tattoos.🤔

• As long as the frame of his mind believes that a person who is fluent in Arabic/Latin must be an expert in the Islamic religion or christianity and must be a 😇good person and deserves to be respected like a 🛐priest or higher Alam🤲 …

So the minds vigilance will disappear every time he meets someone who looks fluent in Arabic or Latin. That is why, there are many cases of victims of fraud and using fake gurus.

The Frame of Mind shapes your world as well as yourself …

That’s it ..

#MindHijab #MindBlock #mindfulness #Wisdom #judgemental #MindPowerKinesis